Diablo 2 amazon skill tree
Diablo 2 amazon skill tree

diablo 2 amazon skill tree

Based on 2 classic Amazon archery skills: AoE ability Split Arrow (Multiple Shot) and Homing Arrow (Guided Arrow) for solo DPS.ĪoE - perhaps the most powerful in the entire gameįorce - for equipment only Energy points are not added. The Bowzon is one of Diablo 2's iconic and most enjoyable builds. But only if it is possible to use one of the two rune words - Insight or infinity. MercenaryĪ mercenary is not required in this build at all, but if the player still wants to take one, then they need to choose an Act 2 mercenary for the sake of damage reduction bonuses. Good finds will be Griffin's Eye Circlet (Griffon's Eye) spears Thunderstrike (Thunderstroke) and Storm Shield (Stormshield). Additional protection will not be superfluous, but it is clearly not a priority, and when choosing armor and weapons, you cannot focus only on it.

diablo 2 amazon skill tree

Then you need to take care of resistance and attack speed. Out of order are all those items that increase the level of skills. And here is the thread Shooting Skills (Bow and crossbow skills) can be left alone.Another good solution would be to pump Valkyrie (Valkyrie), an assistant is never superfluous. Among Passive and Magic Skills (Passive and magic skills) you need to find those that enhance power to complement your spear skills.In combination, they allow you to overcome both "densely populated" areas of the map, as well as encounters with bosses. This Electric Strike (Charged Strike) single target and AoE skill Electrical Storm (Lightning Fury). Basic assembly skills are in the branch Mastery of spear and javelin (Javelin and spear skills).Spend points on Energy (Energy) - redundant. Survival (Vitality) - the main characteristic. The assembly is still focused on working with a group of mobsįorce (Strength) and Agility (Dexterity) are needed only to the extent that the desired items require.

Diablo 2 amazon skill tree